Spring Salad with Lucero Olive Oil
1 fennel bulb (white and light green parts only)
¼ pound radish
5 tbsp. Lucero California Hojiblanca Single Varietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 lemon
¼ white onion
Parsley for garnish
Salt to taste
Ground pepper to taste
Using a mandolin, thinly slice the radish, onion and fennel. Soak the vegetables in a bowl of ice-cold water with ice cubes added. This will transform the vegetables to have a crisp texture. Remove the vegetables from the ice water bath, and place into a bowl. Squeeze the lemon and drizzle Lucero California Hojiblanca Single Varietal Extra Virgin Olive Oil over the salad. Toss until the salad is well covered with the olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste. Parsley for garnish.
Recipe by Lucero